How To Pay For Your Orders#?.

Checkout Payment Methods

Our official website address is:

Here are all the payments option we have available at checkout.

  1. PayPal
  2. Bitcoin
  3. Online Bank Transfer
  4. PostePay
  5. TapTap Send



Kindly request for our PayPal details after you checkout via email or livechat on our website. Buy from our store without sharing your financial information. Make your PayPal order# payments quickly and easily with just a mobile number or email address.



Bitcoin is the best payment method, because of its high level of privacy and no added fee during the transaction. Your package will be shipped once your payment is confirmed.  You will make payment into the Bitcoin wallet details available during checkout .

If you wan to pay via Bitcoin and have no idea on how to proceed kindly contact support on Livechat for assistance.

Note: Bitcoin payments take like 10 minutes to get completed from one wallet to the order


Online Bank Transfer

Kindly request for our online Bank details (Revolut or Intesa San Paolo) after you checkout via email or livechat on our website. Once you complete the payment send a receipt or screenshot of payment for Order# confirmation.

Note: All Orders# with no payment receipt for confirmation will automatically be cancelled within 3 hours.

